Joint Statistical Meeting
August 7, 2023
Why use Quarto to make teaching materials?
What teaching materials can I make using Quarto?
How do I get started?
Reproducible course materials that are easier to update
Integrate narrative, executable code, images, and interactive elements
Easily share course materials with students and more broadly
Regularly use the same technology as your students
Navigation menu on all documents
Search capabilities on website to more easily find content
Option to export PDF of slides
Read course materials on multiple devices
Course websites
Long-form notes
Assignment instructions
Slide navigation
Print to PDF
Speaker view
Published slide
Source code
Published slide
Source code
“Run R code in the browser without the need for an R server to execute the code”
WebR is in active development. Learn more at
Easily produce multiple types of documents by changing the format
in the YAML.
title: "Lecture 01"
subtitle: "Statistics 101"
author: "Instructor"
date: "August 7, 2023"
date-format: long
footer: "URL to course website"
theme: slides.scss
transition: fade
slide-number: false
incremental: false
chalkboard: true
code-link: true
editor: visual
eval: true
echo: true
Make a website repo on GitHub
Clone the repo and start a new RStudio project
Run the following code in the Terminal
quarto create-project --type website
You will see the standard files for a new website in the Files pane. See Creating a Website on for more information.
Run the following code in the Terminal
GitHub pages
quarto publish gh-pages
Quarto pub
quarto publish quarto-pub
quarto publish netlify
See Publishing Basics on for more information and publishing options.
Statistical Computing and Computation, Colin Rundel
Statistical Learning with R, Kelly Bodwin
Organizing Teaching Materials by Maria Tackett & Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Reproducible documents, presentations, and websites with Quarto by Hunter Glanz, Emily Robinson & Allison Theobold
Hello Quarto: Share, Collaborate, Teach, Reimagine by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel & Julia Lowndes